Thursday, September 2, 2010

♥ Beautiful Miss Kaili ♥

This little girl was the biggest treat! I met Kaili's mom through a new group of ladies with babies I started hanging out with this summer and she had a really exciting idea for a shoot. One of the images here is part of that awesome concept but I wont say which or how quite yet!  :) Kaili's grandparents actually own one of the most iconic properties in the Valley so it was only right that we shot there! We even got to take a cool panorama of her great grandfathers' hand-created ( and FULL of great energy ) stone Labyrinth! An early morning session is such a nice way to capture that glowing light and with a subject as genuine and sweet as this cutie was, it sure makes the perks to my awesome little photography job pretty darn perky. Enjoy the shots Ashley, your babies are beauties!


  1. Sweet photo in the rock garden? Or whatever that is :)

  2. its an energy Labyrinth... people come for all over to walk it and feel "cleansed" its pretty neat!
